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Can Dogs Eat Rice? Or is it another one of those foods that causes havoc with a dogs digestive system, meaning it should be well avoided?

Rice is in fact safe for dogs to eat. In fact some manufactured dog food products contain rice as part of the processed mix. It is also an ingredient that dog owners can add as part of the pet’s staple diet as it is easy for them to digest.

Again, common sense and moderation is key. Rice is high on the carbohydrate factor and if fed too much and too often, your dog could put on the pounds.

Dogs and Rice – Any Benefits

White and brown rice is said to be good at easing diarrhea. This because the excess fluid present in your dog’s tummy when they have diarrhea, is absorbed by the rice, thus making their stool that little less runny.

Also, that high carb count we mentioned before is beneficial as a source of energy, (especially for older dogs who may find it difficult to chew on meats and other high protein doggie foods).

On the subject of protein, brown rice is actually the better variation for this. It is also lower in fat. Obviously slightly more expensive than white rice, if you are set on feeding your dog this type of food, it does make sense to opt for the healthier option.

can dogs eat rice

On the down side brown rice does take longer to cook and is tougher to chew than white rice.

The nutritional benefits of rice are actually very high. While low in cholesterol and sodium, rice is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin D, Calcium, riboflavin, iron, niacin and iron.

Can Dogs Eat Rice – Any Precautions

As we have already mentioned, the high carbohydrate factor means rice should not be fed excessively, and certainly not form the main part of any dog’s diet. They will put on weight.

Also, if you are feeding rice to a dog with diarrhea in the hope that it will help, if the normal symptoms persist for more than 48hrs you may need to take them to a vet. Additional signs such as lethargy, vomiting or obvious abdominal pain, mean you should certainly seek professional help straight away.

There have also been some reported cases of dog’s being allergic to rice. Therefore, it is the first time you have fed your dog this grain, ensure to do so with a very small amount to begin with.

The same applies for the introduction of any new food; being conservative with the amount you feed will help reduce any adverse effects should they occur.

Bottom Line

Rice is a useful addition to a dogs normal diet, with more nutritional value than you would immediately assume. Easy to prepare, and with additional benefits such as the combat against diarrhea, makes rice one of those human foods to consider when arranging your dog’s dietary plan.