Benefits of Pet Insurance
To coincide with our recent article on dog insurance, here is a short video from the insurance information institute
Continue reading >My name is Stew and I am the writer behind Can Dogs Eat This. CDET came about after my dog Sally ate some acorns last year and became very ill. So I decided to start a blog, which has grown and grown into the site you're reading today. Please feel free to leave comments, I'd love to hear from you...
To coincide with our recent article on dog insurance, here is a short video from the insurance information institute
Continue reading >Pet friendly hotels are cropping up everywhere these days, from Las Vegas to New York, Houston Texas to Portland Oregon –
Continue reading >God bless America and our love affair with our dogs. This week in Minnesota, a 7 year old Great Pyrenees named Duke was crowned
Continue reading >Can dogs eat onions? This question is widely addressed through out a great deal of dog related websites, which in a way is
Continue reading >Can dogs sniff cancer? This is the very interesting topic we are going to delve into today. The prospect of cancer sniffing
Continue reading >Can Dogs Eat Peas? On the face of it you would think yes they can. Haven’t we been told since we were little children that
Continue reading >Can dogs be depressed? It is a question that can come up a lot with us dog owners. We love our pets, and that closeness means
Continue reading >Can dogs eat watermelon? I would hope so because watermelon is actually my favorite fruit. However, disregarding my personal
Continue reading >Can dogs get diabetes? The short answer is yes they can. Unfortunately diabetes in dogs is quite a common disease. All breeds
Continue reading >Can dogs see color? For a long time veterinarians believe that they could not. The common misconception that dogs can only
Continue reading >Can dogs get sick from humans? The most obvious concern for most dog owners is that of the common cold or flu. Can a dog
Continue reading >Can dogs eat cat food? The first thing to consider is why would you want to do that? The short answer is, yes if you ran
Continue reading >Can Dogs Eat Turkey? It is a succulent meat they we all enjoy, and come thanks giving there is an abundance of the meat.
Continue reading >Can dogs eat pistachios? This question comes up a lot, as many tasty human foods contain pistachios as an extra ingredient.
Continue reading >Can dogs eat bananas? I am happy to report a resounding yes on this particular fruit. Dogs can eat bananas and they happen
Continue reading >Can Dogs Eat Rice? Or is it another one of those foods that causes havoc with a dogs digestive system, meaning it should
Continue reading >Back in 2007, a stray dog saved a south Georgia woman after she lost control of her car and crashed down the embankment of
Continue reading >Can dogs eat beef jerky? Up until recently one would say that they could. Beef jerky is a treat that is actually widely manufactured
Continue reading >Can dogs eat apples? The answer is yes, just as they are good for us humans, apples can also be a beneficial type of dog
Continue reading >Can dogs eat cheese? On the face of it, you would think cheese would be an unhealthy type of dog food. And while some dogs
Continue reading >We’ve all been there at breakfast at some point; sat down to a lovely plate of hot pancakes with the syrup, sugar and chocolate
Continue reading >Unlike normal white potatoes that dogs should generally avoid, sweet potato is okay for your dog to eat. Again the caveat
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